
Why join the Kansas Council for the Social Studies?

Benefits include opportunities for professional development as part of our planned partnership with other organizations across Kansas and with NCSS and access to a membership area of the web site with instructional videos, lesson plans, and resources. Perhaps the most useful important benefit is the chance to network with social studies teachers across the state and the country.

KCSS also works with the Kansas Department of Education to develop state social studies standards and assessments. Your membership lends an additional voice to advocacy efforts focused on improving social studies in Kansas. 

Active members serve the profession by working on the KCSS board, volunteering to help with the state conference, assisting with KCSS communication efforts, and building relationships with pre-service teachers. Members also represent the KCSS as delegates to the National Council for the Social Studies.

Membership in KCSS is still free! If you would like to become a member or need to update your membership information, complete the online form.